Good reliable data is an essential part of the IT Asset Management (ITAM) discipline. Because your data comes from disparate sources, the challenges that arise from rationalizing those sources can be daunting. Different datasets will have different formats for attributes that you need. M&A activity creates large influxes of data with large degrees of duplication requiring reconciliation. How do you transform that raw data into the consistent, normalized information that your customers need to make business decisions?

The RevealIT Data Normalizer provides a framework that you control to manage the rationalization of these complex, disparate data sources. It empowers you to solve the problem in-house by specifying rules to normalize the data in the manner best suited for your environment, on a timetable that you define.

Data Normalizer — orchestrate and transform your raw data

Normalize data that has originated from disparate sources so that the resultant dataset has consistent structure, formatting, and naming conventions

Key Features

With Data Normalizer you are able to transform data from any source, be it a home-grown database or a 3rd-party solution for which you have a customized data model. You may normalize multiple separate data domains, such as software and hardware, independently. Or, you may wish to to transform like data from different sources into a common normalized format.
Once the rules have been applied, the normalized output can be fed to your data repository. We provide out-of-the-box integrations to HP UD or HP AM. If you have existing HP Connect-It scenarios or other integration scripts, they can easily be updated to incorporate the Data Normalizer.
A lightweight Control Panel is the central interface for managing Data Normalizer. From the Control Panel you can edit the properties that configure the normalization process. You can launch a test normalization run and view the results. You can open the Rules Editor, which makes it easy to create and organize your rule set.